A Borana girl holds a young goat in Yabello, Ethiopia. Photo: C. Hanotte (ILRI)

Simple measures can reduce Young Stock Mortality in Ethiopia

In Ethiopia, up to 40% of livestock do not live beyond one year. Reducing young stock mortality is a critical step in improving the livelihoods of rural people, and to the country’s economy as a whole. From 2017 to 2020, the Supporting Evidence Based Interventions (SEBI) programme was part of a research consortium led by the Government of Ethiopia, focused on addressing Young Stock Mortality. SEBI worked with Ethiopian partners to design, test and evaluate ‘minimum intervention packages’ of animal husbandry and health practices, tailored to different species and production systems. Evaluations showed a marked decrease in young stock mortality in participating households over a period of one year.

Read more about The Young Stock Mortality Reduction Project (YSMR) in a guest article by SEBI research consultant Vera Mkenda.

Vanessa Meadu, Communications and Knowledge Exchange Specialist, SEBI-Livestock
Page created: 27 Jan 2022 Page last reviewed: 27 Jan 2022