Photo credit: Kimberly Farmer (Unsplash)

Explore our knowledge base

A curated collection of data and evidence for better decision making in the livestock sector.

Launched in May 2020, is an open-access hub for livestock data and evidence. The site is managed by SEBI-Livestock on behalf of the Livestock Data for Decisions (LD4D) Network. The platform supports LD4D’s objective to drive informed livestock decision-making through better use of data and analyses, by presenting easy-to-access data and evidence relating to livestock in low-and middle-income countries. The site offers curated data, interactive tools, visualisations, best practices and case studies, and aims to be the leading resource addressing the global livestock sector’s data challenges and demands.

SEBI-Livestock research outputs

Browse the latest SEBI-Livestock research outputs, including journal articles, training manuals and fact sheets.  To explore our full resource library dating back to the program’s inception, visit our page on the Edinburgh Research Explorer.